What's Happening Around Monroe and Ralls County

March 03, 2025

March 5 Granville Christian Church Ash Wednesday–7.
March 6 Red Cross blood drive at Paris First Baptist Fellowship Hall 12:30 to 5:30
March 7 Paris Chamber Coffee Mixer at Agnew Funeral Home 7-8am
March 7 Miss Paris Pageant (PHS 7pm)
March 14 Paris Senior Center Fundraiser-Fish Dinner
March 15 Perry Area Chamber Trivia Night at the Junction 7pm
March 16 Farmer’s Day, Drive your Tractor to Church Sunday–Carry in
March 16 St Williams Annual Smorgasbord at St Williams Perry Catholic Church 11am-1pm carry outs available
March 21 34th Annual Paris Rotary Club's Annual Top-Five Recognition Banquet in the PHS
March 22 4th Annual Youth Engagement & Scholarship Fun Night at the Holy Rosary Knights of Columbus Hall in Monroe City.  Table and ticket information can be found by visiting the Monroe-Shelby County Cattlemen’s Facebook page.  Tickets must be purchased before the event.  Sponsorship opportunities are still available for those interested in supporting the event.  For questions, please contact Sally Thomas, event chair sangell@centurylink.net or at 573 682 7348.
March 23 Crumpets with Gramer the Coyote at PHS Community Room in Ag Building 1pm (Come see everyone's favorite mascot, Kramer the Coyote at this tea party-themed meet and greet! Enjoy drinks and snacks, enter to win door prizes, and snap a photo with Kramer at the self-serve photo booth! Located in the community room in the ag building)
March 24 Monroe County Historical Society meeting 2pm at 124 W. Caldwell St. Paris
March 28 Paris Senior Center Fundraiser-Fish Dinner
April 4 Coffee Mixer at the Monroe County Health Department 7-8am
April 5 Paris vs Madison Alumni Games and Dinner 5pm at PHS
April 16 Madison Academic Awards
April 18 Granville Christian Church Valentine Dinner Good Friday Services at 7:30
April 19 Perry Chamber Easter Egg Hunt
April 19 Good Friday Fish Fry at the New London Fire Dept 11-7
April 19 Madison Fire Annual Fish Fry 4pm at the Fire Station
April 19 St Williams Alter Society Benefit Bake Sale 8:30am until sold out at Hickman’s IGA
April 20 Granville Christian Church Easter–Easter Egg Hunt after Church
April 24 Salad Supper Perry Church Ladies at St Williams Perry Catholic Church doors open at 5:30pm dinner at 6:00pm Entertainment to follow at 7:00pm
April 28 Monroe County Historical Society meeting 2pm at 124 W. Caldwell St. Paris

• May 1 Red Cross blood drive at Paris First Baptist Fellowship Hall 12:30 to 5:30

May 2-3 Paris Spring All Town Garage Sale

• May 7 Paris FFA Banquet

• May 8 Madison FFA Banquet

May 8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up

• May 9 Madison Spring Concert

May 11 Madison Graduation
May 11 Granville Christian Church Mother’s Day
May 12 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
May 15 Perry Chamber Meeting 
May 23-24 Perry Memorial Weekend Garage Sales
May 26 Monroe County Historical Society meeting 2pm at 124 W. Caldwell St. Paris
May 31 Soulroot Band and Chili Cook Off 28840 Hwy 19, Perry, MO 4-11
June 15 Granville Christian Church  Father’s Day– Outside Services 11:00
June 20 Perry Parking Lot Party-Soul Root Band
June 30 Monroe County Historical Society meeting 2pm at 124 W. Caldwell St. Paris
July 4 Perry 4th of July Parade and Celebration
July 10 Red Cross blood drive at Paris First Baptist Fellowship Hall 12:30 to 5:30
July 10-13 Mark Twain Old Threshers at the Paris Fairgrounds
July 13-18 Monroe County 4-H Fair at the Paris Fairgrounds
July 28 Monroe County Historical Society meeting 2pm at 124 W. Caldwell St. Paris
August 6 Granville Christian Church Fish Fry–6
August 9 Perry Car Cruise
August 14 Perry Chamber Meeting
August 29-30 Perry Labor Day Weekend Garage Sales
September 4th Red Cross blood drive at Paris First Baptist Fellowship Hall 12:30 to 5:30
September 5-6 Paris Fall All Town Garage Sale
September 8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
September 11 Paris All Town Trash Pick Up
September 11-14 38th Annual Northeast Missouri Old Threshers Shelbina Fairgrounds
September 27 Fall Into Paris Festival

• September 28 Granville Christian Church Bible Breakfast 

• October 25 Granville Christian Church Fall Party

November 2 Granville Christian Church Thanksgiving/Memorial Sunday– Carry-in Dinner
November 13 Perry Chamber Meeting
November 22 Perry Holiday Market
November 28 or 29 Granville Christian Church Decorate Church
December 4 Paris Chamber Christmas Is Caring Parade and Events
December 6 Perry Christmas Parade & Events
December 21 Granville Christian Church Christmas Program 11:00

If you have an event to add to this calendar, email robingregg@monroecountyappeal.com