Paris Chamber News
March 03, 2025

March 7 - Agnew Funeral Home
April 4 - Monroe County Health Department
MEMBERSHIPS - 2025 Membership notices have been sent out. Below is a list of new/renewing members so far. Thank you for your membership - won't you send yours today and join us in growing and building Paris? Join us in welcoming five NEW businesses to the Chamber group. If you would like to join, contact us at
Remember, 2025 membership fees are due currently.
Discover Double Hearts Ranch, Monroe City
March 7 - Agnew Funeral Home
April 4 - Monroe County Health Department
MEMBERSHIPS - 2025 Membership notices have been sent out. Below is a list of new/renewing members so far. Thank you for your membership - won't you send yours today and join us in growing and building Paris? Join us in welcoming five NEW businesses to the Chamber group. If you would like to join, contact us at
Remember, 2025 membership fees are due currently.
Discover Double Hearts Ranch, Monroe City
Hoer Walk-N-Wash
MoMo's Sunshine and Grace, LLC
Monroe County Health Dept
Paris License Office
DON'T FORGET---the following businesses accept Chamber Bucks -
415 Designs
Bushel & A Peck
Delish Dish Bakery
Hoot'in Chicken
Paris Hardware & Supply
Paris Pharmacy
Paris Veterinary Clinic
If you would like to purchase Chamber Bucks as gifts, contact the Chamber at
DON'T FORGET---the following businesses accept Chamber Bucks -
415 Designs
Bushel & A Peck
Delish Dish Bakery
Hoot'in Chicken
Paris Hardware & Supply
Paris Pharmacy
Paris Veterinary Clinic
If you would like to purchase Chamber Bucks as gifts, contact the Chamber at
If you are a paid Chamber member and would like to submit your logo/business card, we will try to get back to our feature business on our Chamber page. Please drop them in the mail box at the Chamber, to Jo Reynolds at Regional Missouri Bank, or email to We want to be your partner in business.
SENIOR CENTER - a vital part of our community - for ALL ages - and you can help.
What they need: Paper Towels, Any kind of Canned Fruit, Cake Mixes, Cake Icing, Corn Meal, Jello, Pudding, Flour, Shortening, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Chocolate Chip. (They love all donations, but if you are choosing, the large commercial size cans are great!) If you have some spare time, come volunteer at the Center - good company, good food.
The Center, effective December 1, became an independent Center and is at the present time not affiliated with NEMO. Presently, Darlene Bove' is acting Administrator and Fundraising Chair. The general public - all ages - are invited to attend and share in good food and good company. Suggested donation price is $7 per meal. Also, watch for notice of their fundraisers .....The Director, Staff, and Board of Directors of the Center would like to sincerely thank the Paris community for their generous donations and support! Watch for our March events .
3/5 Lenten Breakfast starts (Wednesdays @ Sr Center) 6:30 AM $8
3/7 Chamber Coffee Mixer - Agnew Funeral Home
3/7 Miss Paris Pageant- "Butterfly Garden" 7 pm Paris High School
3/9 Daylight Savings Change
3/14 - Paris no school
3/14 Sr Center fundraiser - Fish Dinner
3/21 - Rotary 34th Annual Top 5 Recognition Banquet
3/22 - Monroe -Shelby Co Cattlemen's Youth Engagement/Scholarship Fun Night -
Holy Rosary Knights @ Columbus Hall, Monroe City Open 4:30 pm, supper served 5-6:00 pm
3/28 Sr Center fundraiser - Fish Dinner
4/4 Chamber Coffee Mixer - MoCo Health Department
4/14-20 Paris Easter Break
4/16 Lenten Breakfast ends
4/18 Holliday no school-Good Friday
4/18 - 21 Madison spring break
4/20 Easter
5/2-3 Spring All Town Garage Sale
5/7 Paris FFA Banquet
5/8 Madison FFA Banquet
5/8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
5/9 Madison Spring Concert
5/11 Madison graduation
5/12 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
5/16 Paris last day
5/18 Holliday last day
5/22 Madison last day
5/26 Memorial Day observed
6/15 Father's Day
6/19 Juneteenth
7/4 Independence Day
7/10 Old Threshers
7/13-18 Monroe County 4-H Fair
9/1 Labor Day
9/5-6 Paris All Town Fall Garage Sale
9/8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
9/11 Paris All Town Trash Pick Up
9/11 Patriot's Day (911)
9/27 Fall In To Paris Festival
10/13 Columbus Day
10/31 Halloween
11/11 Veteran's Day
11/27 Thanksgiving
12/4 Christmas Is Caring Parade/Events
12/25 Christmas
1/1/26 New Years Day
April 15 - tax filing deadline - this is a good time, as you are gathering your paperwork for that blessed tax filing, to review your other important documents. Have you had life, family, work changes - this is a good time to review wills, living wills, power of attorney, life insurance, trusts, bank accounts, even final arrangements. Our lives change by the moment - marriage, births, deaths, divorce, blended families, changes in the law. Make it a point to review every few years so your records are in order. It is one of the kindest things you can do for the family you leave behind.
Be on the lookout for information that will be coming soon with regard to our clean up downtown. This will be our third annual event, I believe, and is joint effort between Paris RII students, counselor and the Paris Area of Chamber of Commerce. Be thinking about what tasks you have you could utilize the student for. It is a wonderful opportunity to engage our young people, they do a great job!
If you or your organization is having an event, and you would like us to help you share the information, please send a copy of the flyer/information along with valid contact information, name of person submitting and title. Our goal is to fill our calendar so that when you are planning an event you can have a central location to see what else is going on - thereby avoiding a conflict with another organization, allowing maximum support and attendance for all involved. You can submit to:
SENIOR CENTER - a vital part of our community - for ALL ages - and you can help.
What they need: Paper Towels, Any kind of Canned Fruit, Cake Mixes, Cake Icing, Corn Meal, Jello, Pudding, Flour, Shortening, White Sugar, Brown Sugar, Chocolate Chip. (They love all donations, but if you are choosing, the large commercial size cans are great!) If you have some spare time, come volunteer at the Center - good company, good food.
The Center, effective December 1, became an independent Center and is at the present time not affiliated with NEMO. Presently, Darlene Bove' is acting Administrator and Fundraising Chair. The general public - all ages - are invited to attend and share in good food and good company. Suggested donation price is $7 per meal. Also, watch for notice of their fundraisers .....The Director, Staff, and Board of Directors of the Center would like to sincerely thank the Paris community for their generous donations and support! Watch for our March events .
3/5 Lenten Breakfast starts (Wednesdays @ Sr Center) 6:30 AM $8
3/7 Chamber Coffee Mixer - Agnew Funeral Home
3/7 Miss Paris Pageant- "Butterfly Garden" 7 pm Paris High School
3/9 Daylight Savings Change
3/14 - Paris no school
3/14 Sr Center fundraiser - Fish Dinner
3/21 - Rotary 34th Annual Top 5 Recognition Banquet
3/22 - Monroe -Shelby Co Cattlemen's Youth Engagement/Scholarship Fun Night -
Holy Rosary Knights @ Columbus Hall, Monroe City Open 4:30 pm, supper served 5-6:00 pm
3/28 Sr Center fundraiser - Fish Dinner
4/4 Chamber Coffee Mixer - MoCo Health Department
4/14-20 Paris Easter Break
4/16 Lenten Breakfast ends
4/18 Holliday no school-Good Friday
4/18 - 21 Madison spring break
4/20 Easter
5/2-3 Spring All Town Garage Sale
5/7 Paris FFA Banquet
5/8 Madison FFA Banquet
5/8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
5/9 Madison Spring Concert
5/11 Madison graduation
5/12 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
5/16 Paris last day
5/18 Holliday last day
5/22 Madison last day
5/26 Memorial Day observed
6/15 Father's Day
6/19 Juneteenth
7/4 Independence Day
7/10 Old Threshers
7/13-18 Monroe County 4-H Fair
9/1 Labor Day
9/5-6 Paris All Town Fall Garage Sale
9/8 Paris Bulk Trash Pick Up
9/11 Paris All Town Trash Pick Up
9/11 Patriot's Day (911)
9/27 Fall In To Paris Festival
10/13 Columbus Day
10/31 Halloween
11/11 Veteran's Day
11/27 Thanksgiving
12/4 Christmas Is Caring Parade/Events
12/25 Christmas
1/1/26 New Years Day
April 15 - tax filing deadline - this is a good time, as you are gathering your paperwork for that blessed tax filing, to review your other important documents. Have you had life, family, work changes - this is a good time to review wills, living wills, power of attorney, life insurance, trusts, bank accounts, even final arrangements. Our lives change by the moment - marriage, births, deaths, divorce, blended families, changes in the law. Make it a point to review every few years so your records are in order. It is one of the kindest things you can do for the family you leave behind.
Be on the lookout for information that will be coming soon with regard to our clean up downtown. This will be our third annual event, I believe, and is joint effort between Paris RII students, counselor and the Paris Area of Chamber of Commerce. Be thinking about what tasks you have you could utilize the student for. It is a wonderful opportunity to engage our young people, they do a great job!
If you or your organization is having an event, and you would like us to help you share the information, please send a copy of the flyer/information along with valid contact information, name of person submitting and title. Our goal is to fill our calendar so that when you are planning an event you can have a central location to see what else is going on - thereby avoiding a conflict with another organization, allowing maximum support and attendance for all involved. You can submit to:
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