Local Schools Close for Illnesses
February 07, 2025
Local schools have been closing due to illnesses that have affected teachers and students, causing low attendance. This happens just about every winter. Influenza A and other respiratory illnesses are everywhere.
I asked the Monroe and Ralls County Health Departments for advice to stay healthy, and they said you should follow good healthy habits by getting flu vaccinations, washing hands often, keeping hands away from faces and noses, coughing and sneezing into the elbow, cleaning door knobs and other commonly touched items, and STAY HOME if sick! A person should stay home for 24 hours post-fever, meaning it has been 24 hours since needing a fever-reducing remedy such as Tylenol. Viral illnesses do not require antibiotics, so common over-the-counter remedies for runny nose, cough, and headache are often helpful.
I asked the Monroe and Ralls County Health Departments for advice to stay healthy, and they said you should follow good healthy habits by getting flu vaccinations, washing hands often, keeping hands away from faces and noses, coughing and sneezing into the elbow, cleaning door knobs and other commonly touched items, and STAY HOME if sick! A person should stay home for 24 hours post-fever, meaning it has been 24 hours since needing a fever-reducing remedy such as Tylenol. Viral illnesses do not require antibiotics, so common over-the-counter remedies for runny nose, cough, and headache are often helpful.
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