Dear Santa, Ms. Huffman's Kindergarten

December 19, 2024

Ms. Huffman's Kindergarten 
Dear Santa, 
I am so excited to celebrate Christmas! For Christmas I would like to get a Spiderman action figure, a skateboard and more action figures. I will leave you some cookies and some soda. For your reindeer I will leave carrots. 
Love, Aden Brewster, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the baby dolls you brought me last year. This year I am asking for a new bike, a sparkly hat, and a book. I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and milk. For the reindeer I will leave out reindeer food. 
Love, Khyler Harvey, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Last year I got toys that I liked and want to say thank you. I would like a purple fluffy cat this year. I also would like a new bike and play-doh or sand. I will leave you a snack of cookies and some warm milk. For your reindeer I will leave some carrots. 
Love, Emalyn James, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for bringing me a Greedy Granny toy last year. This year I would like a racecar, a choo choo train, and a talking goat toy. I will leave some candy for you. What kind of candy do you like, do you like chocolate? For your reindeer I will leave carrots. I don't have any carrots yet, but I can go buy some at the store. I will leave a little present for you. 
Your Friend, Meredith McCallum, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Last year I got a black panther superhero that I want to say thank you for. The three things I would like this year are a wonder woman superhero, I think my sissy (Vayda) might want some baby dolls and June might want some Cocomelon toys. We will leave you cookies and milk. 
Love, Knox Norment, Age 6
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the big blocks you brought me last year. This year I want a cowgirl Barbie, a new bike so I can practice with no training wheels, and a mermaid Barbie. What do you like to eat? I can leave you some candy. I will leave you hot chocolate to drink because before you leave I thought you might like some hot chocolate. I will leave carrots for your reindeer. I also think you might like to eat some apples. 
Love, Aria Ragsdale, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
I got a remote control monster truck last year that I want to say thank you for. For Christmas this year I want a monster truck, a remote control racecar, and a new bike. I will leave you chocolate cookies and milk and carrots for your reindeer. 
Your Friend, Fisher Sluhan, Age 6
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the baby dolls with bottles and diapers that you brought me last year. This year I would like a Barbie camper I can get in and drive, a hoverboard, and a Barbie kitchen. I will leave you cookies to eat and milk to drink. I will leave oatmeal and carrots for the reindeer. Does the snow in the North Pole ever melt? 
Love, Ivy Wheelan, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the gifts you brought me last year. This year I would like a squishy dinosaur, a dinosaur blanket and a dinosaur stuffy. I will leave you cookies and milk and for your reindeer I will leave a carrot. 
Love, Moses White, Age 6
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the doctor toys you got me last year. We keep losing them because we play with them so much. The three things I want this year are a drone, an Octonaut set and a fireman set. If I get those I will be a lucky duck. I will leave you chocolate cookies because I know you love chocolate. I will leave you chocolate milk to drink. I will leave carrots for the reindeer. 
Your Friend, Brantley Wilt, Age 5
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the gifts you brought me last year. This year I want a four wheeler and that's all. I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for your reindeer. 
Your Friend, Lillian Winningham, Age 6
Dear Santa, 
Thank you for the tea set I got last year! The things I am asking for this year are alien boots, a shirt with a shark on it, and a new bike. I will leave you chocolate chip cookies and white milk. For the reindeer I will leave carrots. I hope you have a good Christmas Santa! 
Your Friend, Odette Koeven, Age 6

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