Just As I Am Cowboy Church Is At It Again By: Lacey Shumard
The Cowboy Church is at it again with raising money for the Monroe County Cancer Supporters. Sadly this past year many fundraisers were heavily impacted with the pandemic. Many have rallied to help some of those organizations that do so much for the community and one that is on the top of many peoples mind in the community is the Monroe County Cancer Supporters. The Cowboy Church which is ran by pastor Steve Miller stepped in and got to work hosting multiple fundraisers to benefit the Cancer Supporters. On June 5th the church hosted a event they called Cancel Cancer Carnival which was a free event but with the option for free will donations. Kids had plenty to do on such a beautiful day from everything from cake walk, petting zoo, target shooting with foam arrows and BB's, Casting contest, ring toss, and so much more. When they weren't running around paying games they could go to the food table where Pastor Steve was on sight and ready to make cotton candy and treats for the kids (young and old). I feel it goes without question that we as a community have so much to be thankful for that when the going gets tough the tough gets going, one thing is for sure Monroe County is tough. We look forward to seeing what the Cowboy Church has planned next.
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