Winds of Faith
Isaiah 33-15 says, Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times and the strength of salvation; The fear of the Lord is his treasure. As April showers give way to May flowers and the grass begins to shoot up an old saying of Missouri cattlemen comes to mind - As first grass would come, the cattle would leave their hay and run to that new grass of spring. But, no matter how much they ate, they could not get satisfied. The old men would say the grass has no strength in it yet. But as summer begins to settle in and the grass begins to pull its strength from the soil, and the warm sun begins to draw it upwards, all that turned (thoughts). As some run to new grass, let us remember that, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and to run to anything but that, is like the new grass of spring; there is no strength in it.
(word Isaiah 30-15) In returning and rest, you shall be saved. In quietness and confidence shall be your strength. But you would not!
(prayer) O lord let us not forget that the keys of knowledge are only found in the wisdom of the fear of the Lord. amen
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